Monday, October 22, 2012


Have scholarships/bursaries that are perfect for you emailed directly to you! Sign up at  !

The Great Canadian Scholarship
One of our current programs is the Great Canadian Scholarships Contest.We're offering 5 awards of $1,500 to students all across Canada. Applications at  DEADLINE: October 31st

Free Scholarships Webinar! Don't Miss Out!

There will be a FREE Studentawards Scholarships 101 Webinar, Thursday November 1 st, 2012. This webinar will give you important information on how to access a database of scholarships and guidance on how to apply for them. Register at

Monday, October 8, 2012


Are you interested in Science,  Technology, Engineering or Math? Then this is the scholarship for you!!

  • The candidate must be intending to enroll in a program at a minimum of one of the 20 participating Canadian universities in the STEM areas of study (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) by March 1, 2013.
  • The candidate must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and be attending a Canadian high school, secondary school or Cégep (in Quebec).
  • Each candidate must possess at least two of the following three attributes:
    • Academic excellence
    • Outstanding community, business or entrepreneurial leadership
    • Financial need (students who would be applying for financial assistance at university would meet this criterion)
  • The candidate must also submit:
    • Two letters of support from references (at least one academic)
    • Reference letters must be submitted in .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF or .TXT format
    • These documents must be titled “Reference 1” and “Reference 2”
  • Most up-to-date high school, secondary school  transcript document
    • Transcripts must be submitted in .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF or .TXT format
    • This document must be titled “Transcript”
Get more Info at before you see Ms.Morabito for an application. DEADLINE: December 7

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Have you made a difference in your community? Then this is the scholarship for you! Students must demonstrate great leadership in one of the following areas: environment (GREEN CLUB), promotion of Social justice (SWATor GSA) , and fight against child poverty (GAAP) to name a few. The scholarship is $10,000/year for tuition and $7500 for living expenses/year.It also includes paid summer employment and Mentorship opportunities.

  • demonstrate oustanding leadership in the community
  • Obtain a 75% min overall average in the most recent full school year
  • Three copies of an essay of up to 600 words describing your leadership
  • Three letters of support from the community groups, that you have been involved in
  • A letter of recommendation from your school
  • A trascript of your academic records

APPLICATIONS available at DEADLINE: December 7, 2012