Getting a scholarship for post secondary education is possible. It is up to you to take the initiative and to go get them! There is a scholarship out there for everyone and everything. In Canada alone there are over 30,000 scholarships and 80% of them are NOT based on grades. There are scholarships for Athletics, Art, Applied skills, Trades and Technical skills, Creativity and more. You have nothing to lose and only FREE money to GAIN! Be proactive and start researching today!
Where to begin:
- Check Central's scholarship blog weekly and see Ms.Morabito for help with scholarships
- Sign up with
- Check out the scholarship websites to the right of this blog
- Check the websites of post secondary schools that you will be applying to (check the links to the right of this blog)
- Check to see if you or your parent's place of employment offers a scholarship e.g unions, banks etc.
- Check to see if the organizations and clubs your family is involved with offer a scholarship e.g Girl Guides, Ethnic Clubs
- Apply Apply Apply
You can go to post secondary and graduate DEBT free. The greatest obstacle between you and winning a scholarship or bursary is you! Don't delay get started today!