Saturday, May 23, 2020

$1250 DAS Scholarship deadline extended!

The DAS rewards graduating students for excellence and continuing their studies in the following Elective Areas:

  1. Fine Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music)
  2. Applied Skills (Business Ed, Technology Ed, Culinary Arts and Fashion)
  3. Physical Activity ( Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to Physical Education)
  4. Indigenous Languages and Culture (demonstrated at school or in the community)
  5. Second Languages (including Aboriginal Languages) 
  6. Community Service (Volunteer Activity)
  7. Technical & Trades Training (eg. Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cook Training)
    • must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant)
    • must be a BC resident
    • must have excelled in one of the six areas listed above
    • must be a graduate of the 2020 Graduation Program by August 31 
    • must be enrolling in a post secondary program to continue studies in your chosen elective area. (Priority will be given to students who are enrolling in a certificate or diploma post secondary program or technical training institution)
    • a minimum 2.5 Grade Point Average 
    • a minimum of FOUR courses (with exception to Community Service) from their chosen elective area listed above. One of the four courses may be Work Experience 12A if it is related to your chosen career path.
    Eligibility for the Community Service (Volunteer Activity) elective area:
    • demonstration of local and global issues and cultural awareness
    • courses: one leadership course in grades 11 or 12  e.g. First Aid, Peer Tutoring, Leadership plus extensive involvement in student government or school councils plus significant participation and leadership in a service-oriented club e.g. WISH Club, Interact Club, Hot Potato Initiative, Green Club, CAN Club
    • community service/volunteer activity hours:  participation in a minimum of 300 hours of community service/volunteer activity over grades 10 through 12 that is beyond classwork and course requirements if one leadership course taken in grade 11 or 12.
    • Or 400 hours if community service/volunteer activity over grades 10 through 12 that is beyond classwork and course requirements if no leadership course is taken in grade 11 or 12.
    • Service can be undertaken in and/or outside of school.  Work experience hours, if directly related to service-related career that requires post secondary training can be included.  Students must provide evidence of their service in the form of a letter/document outlining dates and hours and a description of duties performed signed by the adult manager or supervisor of the program or organization.  Letter MUST  include full contact information of the manager or supervisor.
    • going into a service related career
    Application Instructions:
    1) Type all the information in the left-hand column. Don't forget your cell number so I can contact you.

    2Type all the information at the top of the right-hand column. 

           e.g. Elective Area:                Applied Skills (from the list above)
                  Chosen Career Area:    Accountant
                  Post Secondary Inst.:   BCIT
                  Program:                        Business   

    3) Type four  grade 11 or 12 courses from your elective area ( Work Experience 12A 
    may be  included if it relates to your career path) e.g Financial Accounting 11, Financial Accounting 12, Business Computer Applications 11, Work  Experience  12

    4) TYPE nine more grade 11 or grade 12 courses. 
    Choose your TOP courses; the courses which you have the highest marks. 

    5) Get your transcript and TYPE your letter grades and percentages.

    6) DO NOT complete the GPA, AVERAGE %,  Other Courses, or provincially examinable courses section.
    7) EMAIL your application, transcript, term 3 report card all in ONE FILE to   

    Successful candidates will receive vouchers in October or November 2020.

    Monday, May 18, 2020


    The Confratellanza Italo-Canadese Society is again offering several $1000 scholarships to eligible candidates for this year.  The scholarships are open to this year's graduating secondary school students planning to enrol in a post-secondary academic degree program.  To be eligible for this scholarship candidates must:

    1) be of Italian origin i.e. as having at least one parent or grandparent of direct Italian descent
    2) be living in a city or municipality within the 21-member GVRD
    3) have an academic standing sufficient to qualify for entry into the post-secondary institution of their choice.

    Application: Confratellanza Italo-Canadese


    Friday, May 8, 2020


    Dedicated to the memory of Luka Gordic a 2014 Burnaby Central graduate. Two awards will be presented to well rounded students who, while maintaining a good academic standing, have demonstrated positive interactions with the school community and have participated in school athletics. 


    DEADLINE: MAY 15 to Ms.Morabito


    Do you have a parent that teaches in Burnaby?  You must be a graduating son/daughter of a BTA member currently employed by School District #41, or be a graduating son/daughter of a deceased or retired BTA member employed by School District #41 at the time of death or retirement.

    - High scholastic achievement
    - School or community involvement
    - Wide range of interests and achievements
    - Financial Need

    Send your application to: 

    Burnaby Teachers' Association Scholarship Committee
    #115 - 3993 Henning Drive 
    Burnaby, B.C.
    V5C 6P7



    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    358 SCHOLARSHIPS valued at $690,750 !

    With the school year quickly coming to an end, has made a concerted effort to add as many scholarships to the platform as we could find. May is the end of peak scholarship season so there are a lot of awards with upcoming deadlines. 

    Currently has 45 scholarships that equate to 358 awards and a total of $690,750.  Applications for the various awards are due at the  end of this month. So there is still time for students who have put off applying to scholarships throughout the school year.


    The Seaforth Parent Advisory Council is proud to be offering a $500 scholarship for École Seaforth Elementary School alumni. At École Seaforth Elementary School, our mission is to provide a happy, safe, supportive and challenging learning environment where our children learn to become compassionate citizens able to contribute in a global community.

    With the spirit of citizenship at heart, the Seaforth scholarship is more community based than academic focused. While a respectable grade point average is expected, the successful candidate must be able to demonstrate how they provide leadership to younger members of the community as well as partnership with elder members in the same community. The student will demonstrate that a true leader guides those who need to know, while, at the same time, learns the value in the ability to follow and learn from others.

    In a 500 word essay the eligible students must demonstrate how they have exemplified these qualities. While we encourage all to apply, we are looking for students that have gone outside of the home or classroom to make a difference in the community and make this community a better place to live.

    Please include a brief letter of support for this scholarship from a teacher or a school/community official as well as the dates the student attended Seaforth. Please submit applications to

    DEADLINE:  May 29th, 2020. 

    Tuesday, May 5, 2020


    Youth Transforming Society (YTS) is a registered, student-led organization based out of Surrey, BC that aims to raise awareness for humanitarian issues and encourage community volunteerism. Founded in 2010, we have since raised close to $20,000 for various organizations and have helped hundreds of students get involved.
    One of Youth Transforming Society’s goal is to bring positive change throughout our communities and promote community volunteerism among youth. To further our goal, we will be awarding the YTS Scholarship for Community Service which stands at the value of $500 this year. In particular, the scholarship will be awarded to an individual who showcases dedication and commitment to their respective passions and selfless service in their communities. We hope to celebrate the achievements of the youth who have created a positive change!

    Eligibility Criteria:
    To be considered for this award, the applicant must be:
    1. A graduating, grade 12 student attending secondary school in the Lower Mainland.
    2. Attending a Canadian post-secondary institution on a full-time basis beginning September 2020. Proof of acceptance may be requested.
    3. Actively involved in voluntary pursuits (humanitarian, environmental, arts, entrepreneurial, leadership etc.)
    4. Minimum academic average of 70%. A proof of average may be requested.

    DEADLINE: May 23, 2020.



    Awarding students who have demonstrated academic success, personal strength, and determination in their commitment to civic engagement and leadership.


    Awarding First Nation, Métis and Inuit student leaders who have demonstrated academic success, personal strength, and a commitment to preserving Indigenous languages and culture.



    Have you played soccer, basketball or baseball for 3 years with the South Burnaby Metro Club? The SBMC Will be awarding three 3 $1,000.00 scholarships to GRADS who have in the past or present been actively involved with one of our soccer, basketball, baseball programs for a minimum of three years. Applications, covering letter and documentation must be mailed to:

    SBMC Scholarship Committee
    PO Box 72022, 4429 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC
    V5H 4P9

    APPLICATIONS at : SBMC scholarship application