There are a few simple tips you can follow to ensure you don't make common mistakes so that you have the best chance at winning the scholarships you apply for. Check out these blogs of how students have won these scholarships in the past:
Welcome Grads! You have come to the right place, if you are looking for scholarships, bursaries and tips of how to apply and win scholarships to fund your post secondary goals .
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
TD is committed to opening doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow, creating conditions so everyone has the chance to succeed in a changing world. The TD Scholarships for Community Leadership is offered to students who, like TD, help support change, nurture progress and contribute to making the world a better place. Have you shown exceptional initiative in making a meaningful and lasting difference in your community? It’s not just about marks in the classroom, but rather the marks you have made on your community.
- Have demonstrated community leadership
- Are in the final year of high school
- Have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year
- Are Canadian citizens
Deadline: November 13
To be eligible to apply for the Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be graduating high school with plans to enter a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2021
- Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a degree at a post-secondary institution
- Demonstrate critical financial need ($65,000 or less annual net income per family is required)
- Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
- Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
- Maintain a minimum grade percentage of 65
- Attend high school and reside in Canada
- Be Canadian citizens
Students who have been nominated by their schools as National Book Award recipients may submit applications to the National Scholarship Program. If you would like to be considered for nomination please email Ms.Morabito by OCT 9th. In addition, students who identify themselves as meeting the scholarship criteria are invited to apply directly for the National Scholarship, without having been nominated for the Book Award.
The National Scholarship rewards original, creative and committed Canadian secondary school students. These are students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities. Each year approximately ten students are named National Scholars (winners) and ten are named Arbor Scholars (runners-up).
Students who have been nominated by their schools as National Book Award recipients may submit applications to the National Scholarship Program. In addition, students who identify themselves as meeting the scholarship criteria are invited to apply directly for the National Scholarship, without having been nominated for the Book Award.
Eligibility Criteria:
- an original and creative thinker
- committed to school and community
- a high achiever in academic and creative pursuits
- enthusiastic about learning and intellectual exploration
- a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person
- currently in your final year of Canadian secondary school or first-year CEGEP
- intending to begin university the following academic year
- a National Book Award nominee or self-identify as meeting the criteria above
Award Value:
The National Scholarship covers tuition, incidental and residence fees for up to four years of study. Finalists not designated as National Scholars receive Arbor Scholarships at a value of $7,500 in the first year and $1,500 per year for three additional years of undergraduate study. The scholarship is tenable only at the University of Toronto.
Application Process
Students must submit an online application form in order to be considered for the National Scholarship. The National Scholarship application is now open for the 2021-2022 admission cycle.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
REMAX is once again offering (16) $1,000 bursaries for a total of $16,000 to grade 12 students. This program was established by RE/MAX of Western Canada to recognize the success and ongoing pursuits of Western Canadian students in regards to leadership and community contribution initiatives. Students can enter online at / About RE/MAX / In the Community / Quest for Excellence
$100,000 LORAN AWARD
There are over 30 Loran awards valued at up to $100,000 awarded across Canada. Potential candidates must exhibit :
- strong academic performance over grade 11 (85 average or better)
- Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status
- excellent moral character and genuine commitment to serving others
- ability to manage and lead others
- determination and independent thinking
- a willingness to take meaningful risks.
Candidates wishing to be sponsored must select Sponsored by (or seeking sponsorship from) my school on the online application, and then enter Ms. Morabito's name and email address in the Educational Background section. Additional info you will need is Burnaby Central has 1348 students this year.
Every candidate must designate a referee, whether they end up in the sponsored or direct pool. The candidate needs to finalize their part of the online application in order to have the reference request email sent. The reference word limit is 250 words.
-Print your application
-Request a transcript (no envelopes please)
-Place all documents in an envelope and submit to Ms.Morabito by October 9th.
DIRECT POOL DEADLINE: Missed the sponsorship deadline? You can mail your applications to Toronto for the direct pool by October 22.
Register for one of the following webinars if you are an interested applicant:
There will be many scholarship opportunities for you this year. Scholarship and bursaries are awarded for academics, applied skills, arts, athletics, volunteering and financial need. If you have questions email Ms.Morabito. Now is the time to start applying! It is up to you to research and find the right scholarship for you.
1)Go to, or They offer free scholarship matching and have a database of over 30,000 scholarships.
2) Check post secondary school's financial aid/scholarships website links.
3) Go to the Province of BC offers scholarships.
4) Check Burnaby Central's Scholarship Blog weekly for scholarship and bursary opportunities.
5) Complete a Scholarship Profile so I can let you know about scholarships and bursaries that are suitable for you.
- TRANSCRIPTS are available with 2 days notice from the office. Request forms are on the Main office counter.
- Please provide teachers with 2 weeks notice to complete REFERENCE LETTERS. Give teachers a Reference Letter Request Form to help them write a strong and specific reference letter for you.
- Check out the SCHOLARSHIP WEBSITES to the right to register your profile and have suitable scholarship opportunities emailed to you!