Friday, April 15, 2016

2016 Lotus Light Charity Scholarship

Any Canadian student who is 17 years or older and will be beginning or continuing their studies at a recognized post-secondary educational institution on a full-time basis may be eligible to receive the Lotus Light Charity Society (LLCS) Scholarship to assist in those studies.  Applicants will be assessed on scholastic record and community volunteer involvement.
The 2016 LLCS Scholarship application submission period is March 1 to May 15, 2016; successful applicants will be notified at the end of June. NOTE: Students who have completed or are in their final years of their post-secondary study at the closing date of the application period are not eligible.

All applications must be submitted via postal mail or drop-off (i.e. no email submissions, no fax submissions), addressed as follows:
Lotus Light Charity Society – SCHOLARSHIP
#200-357 Hastings Street East
Vancouver, BC, V6A 1P3
Application must include the following:
(1)   Up-to-date official transcript of grades.
(2)   Proof of acceptance for entry and/or current enrolment at a recognized post-secondary educational institution.
(3)   A cover letter and resume containing information regarding education, work, and volunteer experience.
(4)   Current letters of reference from previous employers, teachers, or volunteer organizations.
For more information, please call Lotus Light Charity Society Vancouver at 604-685-5548,, or visit

APPLICATIONS: Download Application Form



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