Sunday, May 6, 2012

$1000 Confratellanza Italo-Canadese Society Scholarship

The Confratellanza Italo-Canadese Society is again offering two $1,000 scholarships to eligible candidates for this year.  The scholarships are open to this year's graduating secondary school students planning to enrol in a post-secondary academic degree program for the first time in 2012.  To be eligible for this scholarship candidates must:

1) be of Italian origin i.e. as having at least one parent or grandparent of direct Italian descent
2) be living in a city or municipality within the 21-member GVRD
3) have an academic standing sufficient to qualify for entry into the post-secondary institution of their choice

Applications available from Ms.Morabito. DEADLINE: MAY 31

$2500 APEGF Engineering Scholarships

Interested in becoming an engineer? The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Foundation offers a number of Post Secondary Entrance scholarships to graduating high school students entering UBC, SFU, UVIC,  BCIT AND UNBC for a degree in engineering or geoscience.  Each entrance scholarship is valued at $2,500. They also offer several Post Secondary Transfer Entrance Scholarships valued at $1,000 each for students entering a college/university engineering transfer program in BC. Scholarship selection is based on Grade 12 academics, extracurricular activities, references, financial need, and the student’s written statement outlining reasons for entering the profession.  Applications available at:




$500 Tony Marzitelli Memorial Scholarship Fund

In memory of Tony Marzitelli, the Marzitelli family has established an annual $500 scholarship fund to reward a worthy graduating student with an opportunity to assist in the pursuit of their academic dreams. Applications at //


$1000 Catherine Logan Eddy Scholarship for ESL students

Are you an ESL student? This scholarship recognizes a student graduating from a BC Secondary School who has combined hard work with school and community involvement.


  • Graduate of a BC high school who wishes to attend a post secondary institution to further her/his education or training for a specific type of employment;
  • Demonstrated consistent improvement in academic competence
  • School or community involvement or service to others
  • ESL coursework at the secondary level.
Applications at: ellps 01 uploads/2012