Thursday, February 18, 2016

$35,000 Cmolik Foundation Scholarship

The Cmolik Foundation awards scholarships to deserving BC students who have demonstrated good work ethic, tenacity and other commendable attributes in achieving their academic and social goals and who, without our support, may not have the means to attend a post secondary institution.  We look for students that have faced adversity, but through hard work and determination have been successful in achieving their goals.  Applicants must be residents of BC and must have lived in Canada for the past 8 years.
The Foundation will reimburse up to $35,000 for books and tuition leading to an undergraduate degree.  The maximum duration for funding is 5 consecutive years from the start of the student's initial semester.  Reimbursements are paid in installments throughout the duration of the program provided the students meet the Foundation's scholarship criteria.
Central will be nominating 2 students. DEADLINE : Februray 23 to Ms.Morabito
Applications at : and submit to Ms.Morabito

$1000 South Asian Family Association Scholarships

The South Asian Family Association is proud to offer three scholarships in the amount of $1000 each in the following categories:
(1) Academic Excellence
(2) Excellence in Community Involvement
(3) Excellence in Fine Arts
Mission Statement:  The South Asian Family Association (SAFA) is a non-profit organization, created in 2000 by a group of concerned South Asian men and women who wanted to promote cultural harmony.  Our mandate is to seek solutions to family based problems plaguing the South Asian community, to promote multiculturalism and to seek and raise cultural awareness, understanding and harmony.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for a scholarship, a student must:
• Be a student of South Asian descent
• Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act
• Be enrolling in his/her first year of full-time studies at a post-secondary institution in Canada or abroad
• Be completing/have completed grade 12 in a British Columbia high school
Note: Relatives and close associates of any member of SAFA are ineligible to apply

Selection Criteria
• Demonstrated excellence in academics, community involvement or fine arts
• Demonstrated capacity for leadership and/or service
• Two reference letters

General Application Requirements
• Completed application form
• A transcript of your academic record
• A letter of conditional acceptance to a post-secondary institution and/or proof of registration (proof of registration can be provided at a later date if you do not have it at this time, however, it must be received before funds can be released to you).

Specific Application Requirements
Students may apply for only one of the following categories and must provide the required essay and reference letters for the appropriate category.  Please check:
(1) _____  Academic Excellence
• A maximum 1000 word essay describing What it means to be South Asian in your eyes
• Two confidential academic reference letters (signed and sealed)

(2)  _____ Excellence in Community Involvement
• A maximum 1000 word essay describing What motivated you to be involved in the South Asian community
• Two confidential reference letters, signed and sealed (either from the community organization you volunteer for or from your high school) 

(3)  _____ Excellence in Fine Arts
• A maximum 1000 word essay on How do you think your South Asian cultural heritage has influenced your decision to pursue a career in the Fine Arts
• A 250 to 500 word write-up describing your fine art talent
• Two confidential letters: one must be from a high school teacher, the second reference letter must be from a professional or teacher who can attest to your fine arts skills (signed and sealed).


$1000 Union of National Employees Bursary

Since 2013, the Union of National Employees (UNE) is proud to be able to award a scholarship of $1000 to a student in their last year of high school in British Columbia or Yukon who is about to pursue post-secondary education. Last year, only 2 students in the BC/Yukon Region applied for the bursary; this year, we hope to pique the interest of at least 10 more. We offer the $1000 bursary for each of our ten regions.

The scholarships are designed to highlight union principles, as well as promote the union and the labour movement in a positive way.  The scholarships aim to create awareness of unions within high school and provide financial assistance to worthy students.  We hope that this initiative will encourage youth to become more involved in the union, social justice activities and the labour movement.

The criteria for the High School Scholarship program can be found at 
Applications at 
DEADLINE:  March 31

Thursday, February 11, 2016


The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Winners receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC’s nine Faculties of Education.
Complete the application package (PDF), including the written statement worth 60% overall, and the resume worth 40% overall. It must be completed online using the mandatory format, printed, signed, and submitted by mail. Scoring guides (PDF) are available for reference. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.


  • Meet basic eligibility requirements
  • Be in your graduation year with graduation to occur by August 31 of the school year in which you apply
  • Be eligible for a B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) and fulfill graduation requirements of the 2004 Graduation Program by August 31, 2018
Have at least a: 
  • "B" (73% or above) in your Language Arts 11 final mark 
  • "B" average in final course marks that fulfill graduation requirements of Science 11 or 12, Math 11 and Social Studies 11 or 12, with no more than one "C+" (67% or above) final course mark, (marks lower than “C+” are not accepted)
  • Maintain a “B” average or better in Grades 11 and 12 final course marks required for graduation
  • Write and pass a Language Arts 12 provincial examination  

Your application package must include:
  • Resume in the mandatory format
  • Two reference letters, one from your community and one from your school
  • A written statement, maximum 500 words, which describes why you want to be a teacher
DEADLINE: February 13th, to Ms.Morabito by 9:00 am

Friday, February 5, 2016


Are you interested in Science? Want to become an engineer? Then don't miss out on this opportunity!
Since 2004, the Fellowship program is for students who will enter the first year of a full-time science undergraduate degree program. The Fellowship includes an award of $3,000 and a six-week summer research position at TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics.  Three or more fellowships are awarded each year to students graduating from the BC secondary school system.

Students must be nominated  by their secondary school, to a maximum of two students per school.
Although very important, academic performance is only part of the review criteria; the award is intended for individuals with a passion for science, particularly physics. We advise that you encourage the students to aim for strong written statements and reference letters.
One Fellowship will be the Canadian Society for Senior Engineers  C. Gordon Lindsay Memorial award,  offered to a student fulfilling all the requirements of the Fellowship and who intends to pursue a career in engineering.

Application forms will be accepted only electronically by emailing PDF copies to The program guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from: 


$1250 BC International Student Ambassador Scholarship

DEADLINE: April 15, 2016


BC China Award for Excellence in Chinese

  • Recipients are BC grade 12 students studying Chinese
  • Purpose is to increase the study of Chinese language
  • Value of each award is $500 (jointly funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Education and the Consulate General in Vancouver of the People’s Republic of China)
  • 50 awards in total
  • Application at K-12 International Education Scholarships Page.
DEADLINEMarch 31, 2016


  • Recipients are groups of BC students studying and travelling to China and Japan
  • Purpose is to increase number of BC student groups travelling and studying abroad
  • Value of each award is $5,000-$10,000
  • 14–28 awards in total
  • DEADLINE: February 12, 2016
For more information visit the K-12 International Education Scholarships Page.

$1000 BCSSA Scholarship

The BCSSA will award six scholarships to students planning to pursue post-secondary studies.  Students wishing to be considered for a scholarship must be currently enrolled in their final year of studies at a public secondary school in British Columbia and expected to graduate in 2016.  This year one winner will be chosen from each of the six BCSSA provincial chapters.  Each winner will be awarded $1000. 
DEADLINE February 11, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


A student cannot win both a BC Excellence Scholarship and a Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship.
Nominees must:
  • Meet basic eligibility requirements
  • Be enrolled in or graduated from a B.C. Grade 12 graduation program
  • Be eligible for a BC Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) by August 31st of the school year in which they are nominated

Selection Criteria

Nominees’ applications will be assessed on the following criteria. Nominees must:
  • Meet basic eligibility requirements
  • Be in their graduating year
  • Have at least a:
    • "B" (73% or above) in their Language Arts 11 final mark 
    • "B" average in Grade 11 final course marks that fulfill graduation requirements of Science 11, Math 11 and Social Studies 11, with no more than one "C+" (67% or above) final course mark, (marks lower than “C+” are not accepted)
  • Maintain a “B” average in Grades 11 and 12 final course marks required for graduation
  • Submit a resume
  • Provide two references, one from their community and one from their school
  • Provide a written statement (maximum 500 words) describing:
    • What lead them to their community service, volunteer activity, and/or leadership role
    • What they learned from this involvement
    • How these skills/experiences will benefit them in their chosen career path
Application at:  application packages (PDF) 

DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 10 to Ms.Morabito



Applications now being accepting from student leaders in the province of British Columbia who will be entering their first year of post-secondary education in September 2016, who are in good academic standing and that have made exceptional contributions to:
• School and community service, leadership;
• Initiating community development;
• Affecting positive change;
• Mentoring others;
• Personal development and growth;
• Good academic performance;
Taking the time to do something for others during difficult times in one’s own life requires particularly outstanding commitment. This is why, as part of the selection process, the personal circumstances and/or challenges of each applicant will be considered. Applicants who possess personal qualities such as dedication, commitment to helping others and strength of character will also be considered.
For more information and to access the application form, click here:
Deadline: March 15, 2016