Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The DDAA rewards graduating students for excellence and continuing their studies in the following Elective Areas:

  1. Fine Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music)
  2. Applied Skills (Business Ed, Technology Ed, Culinary Arts and Fashion)
  3. Physical Activity ( Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to Physical Education)
  4. Indigenous Languages and Culture (demonstrated at school or in the community)
  5. Second Languages (including Aboriginal Languages) 
  6. Community Service (Volunteer Activity)
  7. Technical & Trades Training (eg. Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cook Training)
    • must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant)
    • must be a BC resident
    • must have excelled in one of the six areas listed above
    • must be a graduate of the 2019 Graduation Program by August 31 
    • must be enrolling in a post secondary program to continue studies in your chosen elective area. (Priority will be given to students who are enrolling in a certificate or diploma post secondary program or technical training institution)
    • a minimum 2.5 Grade Point Average 
    • a minimum of FOUR courses (with exception to Community Service) from their chosen elective area listed above. One of the four courses may be Work Experience 12A if it is related to your chosen career path.
    Eligibility for the Community Service (Volunteer Activity) elective area:
    • demonstration of local and global issues and cultural awareness
    • courses: one leadership course in grades 11 or 12  e.g. First Aid, Peer Tutoring, Leadership plus extensive involvement in student government or school councils plus significant participation and leadership in a service-oriented club e.g. WISH Club, Interact Club, Hot Potato Initiative, Green Club, CAN Club
    • community service/volunteer activity hours:  participation in a minimum of 300 hours of community service/volunteer activity over grades 10 through 12 that is beyond classwork and course requirements if one leadership course taken in grade 11 or 12.
    • Or 400 hours if community service/volunteer activity over grades 10 through 12 that is beyond classwork and course requirements if no leadership course is taken in grade 11 or 12.
    • Service can be undertaken in and/or outside of school.  Work experience hours, if directly related to service-related career that requires post secondary training can be included.  Students must provide evidence of their service in the form of a letter/document outlining dates and hours and a description of duties performed signed by the adult manager or supervisor of the program or organization.  Letter MUST  include full contact information of the manager or supervisor.
    • demonstration of good attendance, punctuality, work habits and cooperation.
    Application Instructions:
    1)Ask for a transcript from the office.It can take up to two days, so don't wait to the last minute. 

    2) Type all the information in the left-hand column. Don't forget your cell number so I 
    can contact you.

    3Type all the information at the top of the right-hand column. 

           e.g. Elective Area:              Applied Skills (from the list above)
                  Chosen Career Area:  Accountant
                  Post Secondary Inst.: BCIT
                  Program:                      Business   

    4) Type four  grade 11 or 12 courses from your elective area ( Work Experience 12A 
    may be  included if it relates to your career path) e.g Financial Accounting 11, Financial Accounting 12, Business Computer Applications 11, Work  Experience  12

    5) List nine more grade 11 or grade 12 courses. 
    Choose your TOP courses; the courses which you have the highest marks. 

    6) ENTER your letter grades and Final Average %.

    7) DO NOT complete the GPA, Other Courses, Overall GPA or Overall Average% section.
    8) Print, SIGN, DATE the application and staple the transcript behind the application before you submit to Ms.Morabito.
    Successful candidates will receive vouchers in October or November 2019.


    Each year the Huus Family, in partnership with Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island (formerly Queen Alexandra Foundation for Children) and generous donors, award bursaries to support the education of students with disabilities.

    The purpose of the fund is to provide bursaries, in the range of $500 - $5000 annually per recipient, to assist persons with disabilities to undertake or continue their post-secondary education at an accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs.

    The bursary was established in 1988 by the family of Lisa Pauline Huus, a sociology student at the University of Victoria. “Lisa fought for her rights to go to university and be treated just like any other student,” says her mother Annie Huus. “We established this fund so that students with physical challenges like Lisa can access much needed financial support to pursue their educational dreams.”

    Please visit for more information on the story behind the Lisa Huus Bursary, eligibility requirements and the application process. 



    Youth Transforming society (YTS) is a registered non-profit, student-led group based out of Surrey, BC that aims to raise awareness for humanitarian issues and encourage community volunteerism. Founded in 2010, we have since raised $20,000 for various organizations and have helped hundreds of students get involved. 
    To further our goal of inspiring volunteerism, we have created the YTS Scholarship for Community Service. This year, YTS will be giving out three $1000 scholarships. Each scholarship will recognize a student’s dedication and commitment to selfless service in the community. We hope to celebrate the achievements of three young individuals who have created positive change in their communities.
    Eligibility criteria:
    To be considered for this award, the applicant must be:
    1. A graduating, grade 12 student attending secondary school within the lower mainland
    2. Attending a Canadian post-secondary institution on a full-time basis beginning September 2019.
    3. Actively involved in voluntary pursuits of any kind (humanitarian, environmental, etc…)
    4. Minimum academic average of 70%
    DEADLINE : MAY 3rd, 2019


    The Automotive Retailers Foundation (ARFI) is dedicated to promoting the Automotive Industry as a viable source of employment in British Columbia. Statistics show that there is an increasing demand for skilled labour in the Automotive Industry. Properly trained technicians will be able to find well-paid, life-long, viable employment in the Automotive Industry in B.C.

    In order to help students gain the training and experience they need to become certified technicians the ARFI is offering ten awards ranging from $500 to $5,000 each. The awards are comprised of eight scholarships and two bursaries. Please note: Students must be enrolled full-time for the year of the scholarship. For instance, applicants who apply in 2019 must be enrolled for the September 2019-2020 academic year.

    The following 10 awards are offered in 2019:

    ARFI - Bob Clarke Memorial $2000 (quantity 1)
    ARFI - BC Auto Recyclers Bursary $2000 (quantity 2)
    ARFI - Scholarship - Automotive Trades Development $2000 (quantity 2)
    ARFI - Scholarship - Apprenticeship – 2nd year applicants $2000 (quantity 1)
    ARFI - Scholarship - Apprenticeship – 3rd year applicants $2000 (quantity 1)
    ARFI - Ed Coates - Automotive Red Seal Trade Award $5000 (quantity 1)
    ARFI - William (Willie) Freeburn - Automotive Glass Technician Award $500 (quantity 2)

    New for 2019: Training, Education & Career Advancement Bursary
    Four bursary awards providing up to $2000 for continuing education tuition related to an automotive career. This bursary focuses on all aspects of the Automotive Industry in B.C., not just ‘hands-on’ trades.  Accounting, Sales, Management, Payroll, Human Resources, Marketing, Computer Support, Technical Occupations, and many other areas are equally critical to business success. To be eligible, applicants must have graduated from secondary school. The training / education applied for must be offered through a recognized training provider/facility and relate to some aspect of the Automotive Industry in B.C.



    $500 Urban Spirit Foundation Scholarship

    Two awards of $500 each to students of Aboriginal ancestry who apply for the scholarship and meet the following criteria:
    • are of Aboriginal ancestry
    • embodies the goals of the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement
      • Demonstrates a sense of identity and culture
      • Demonstrates ongoing involvement within the school and greater community
      • Strong academic standing
    • be enrolled in a post-secondary institution (full time)
    • demonstrate financial need
    The District Scholarship Committee will review all applications in consultation with Aboriginal Education to determine the students to be honoured with this award.

    DEADLINE: April 26th to Ms.Morabito


    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    $1000 Hebden Chemistry Bursary Award

    Don't miss out in the Hebden Chemistry

    $1000 Bursary Award

    The Jim Hebden Chemistry Bursary will be awarded to one student who has performed service for his/her school and/or community while maintaining the grades in science that are necessary for success in post-secondary education. 
    • The student has or will complete Chemistry 12 by the end of June 2019
    • The student can demonstrate plans to continue the study of chemistry, or studies related to Chemistry, at a recognized post-secondary institution
    • The student must also include a letter of reference from a teacher. Note that this letter must state their GPA for Grade 11 and their cumulative GPA to date in Grade 12
    DEADLINE: April 26

    Wednesday, April 3, 2019


    British Columbia’s Ministry of Education is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the International Student Ambassador Scholarships. International students from multiple countries are eligible to be nominated.

    Eligible Countries
    Group 1 (Original Partner Countries) China, Japan, Korea
    Group 2 (Recent MOU Partners) Colombia, France, Italy, Spain
    Group 3 (Other Partners): See below definition, purpose and application process for detailss

    Further Information for Group 3 Applicants
    • Definition: Countries that are not traditionally strong sources of international students studying in BC, or countries in which district-to-district or school-to-school relationships are less common
    • Purpose: Engaging with these countries contributes to diversity for international education programs, fosters new relationships for BC school districts and independent schools, and increases opportunities for BC students to develop their intercultural skills
    • Process: Nominations for Student Ambassador Scholarship for K-12 Entry under the “other” category are required to provide a one (1) paragraph justification for how the country aligns with the intended purpose (above). Supporting documents should be attached to submitted nominations.

    BCCIE is a proud partner in the administration of this award and will be receiving and evaluating award nominations and distributing awards to successful nominees.

    Applications and details at  APPLICATION

    DEADLINE: APRIL 26th TO Ms.Morabito


    Each year, the Looking Glass Foundation awards several thousand dollars to BC students who have received, or are currently receiving, treatment for an eating disorder. They are now accepting applications for our Persevere, Rise Above, and Pursue Your Passion scholarships, to be awarded to 3 promising students.
    Application Guidelines:
    • Please read the Scholarship Program Flyer for a full overview of eligibility criteria
    • Applications are open to all genders and ages, in any program area
    • Applicants must be BC residents enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies at an accredited Canadian post-secondary institution
    • Students must be commencing or returning to full-time studies between September 2019 and January 2020


    $500 Grace Family Network Foundation Scholarship

    This scholarship was started in memory of Rebecca Chan, the Grace Family Network Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to provide financial awards and support community organization work with under-resourced children.

    Scholarships will be awarded to three students in the amount of $500. As well, the winning essays submitted by the scholarship recipients will be featured on gfnf's website. 

    Application criteria include:

    • A resident of the Greater Vancouver Regional District
    • Currently registered in Grade 12
    • Criteria: students with outstanding academic and leadership achievements demonstrating financial need
    • Evidence of enrolment or application to a post-secondary school in the 2019-2020 academic year
    • A one page essay on "How has your education contributed to who you are today?" (see application form for more details)
    Applications at

    Deadline: May 31


    Are you planning to go to BCIT? Then don't miss out on the BCIT Pathway to Success
    Awards. This scholarship is for students planning to enter into a full-time first year
    (technology or technical) program.

    • You must have applied for admission to BCIT and have been assigned a BCIT ID
    • You must be a citizen or permanent residents of Canada
    • You must commence your BCIT full-time studies before March 31, 2020
    • A recipient must remain registered as a fulltime student during the academic period for which an award is given
    • A recipient must maintain satisfactory academic standing during the academic 
    period for which an award is given
    •Awards are not deferrable and must be accepted in the
     year in which they are 

    The student must demonstrate leadership skills and/or additional responsibilities such as family. Examples are:
    • taken leadership training/courses
    • volunteer and/or community service
    • work experience
    • captain/president of sports team or group
    • Involvement in extracurricular activities
    • Play a major role in supporting their family, financially or otherwise.
    - Letter of recommendation from school district

    The student must write a letter of intent which outlines:
    • their career goals
    • why they have chosen that particular career
    • that they have a good understanding of the job and the skills required
    • why they want to be a BCIT student
    • outlines their leadership skills and/or additional responsibilities such as family.
    Every application must include the following information:
    • Completed application form with BCIT ID
    • Completed student letter of intent

    DEADLINE : extended to April 8th to Ms.Morabito