Tuesday, April 28, 2020


The DAS rewards graduating students for excellence and continuing their studies in the following Elective Areas:

  1. Fine Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music)
  2. Applied Skills (Business Ed, Technology Ed, Culinary Arts and Fashion)
  3. Physical Activity ( Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, not limited to Physical Education)
  4. Indigenous Languages and Culture (demonstrated at school or in the community)
  5. Second Languages (including Aboriginal Languages) 
  6. Community Service (Volunteer Activity)
  7. Technical & Trades Training (eg. Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cook Training)
    • must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant)
    • must be a BC resident
    • must have excelled in one of the six areas listed above
    • must be a graduate of the 2020 Graduation Program by August 31 
    • must be enrolling in a post secondary program to continue studies in your chosen elective area. (Priority will be given to students who are enrolling in a certificate or diploma post secondary program or technical training institution)
    • a minimum 2.5 Grade Point Average 
    • a minimum of FOUR courses (with exception to Community Service) from their chosen elective area listed above. One of the four courses may be Work Experience 12A if it is related to your chosen career path.
    Eligibility for the Community Service (Volunteer Activity) elective area:
    • demonstration of local and global issues and cultural awareness
    • courses: one leadership course in grades 11 or 12  e.g. First Aid, Peer Tutoring, Leadership plus extensive involvement in student government or school councils plus significant participation and leadership in a service-oriented club e.g. WISH Club, Interact Club, Hot Potato Initiative, Green Club, CAN Club
    • community service/volunteer activity hours:  participation in a minimum of 300 hours of community service/volunteer activity over grades 10 through 12 that is beyond classwork and course requirements if one leadership course taken in grade 11 or 12.
    • Or 400 hours if community service/volunteer activity over grades 10 through 12 that is beyond classwork and course requirements if no leadership course is taken in grade 11 or 12.
    • Service can be undertaken in and/or outside of school.  Work experience hours, if directly related to service-related career that requires post secondary training can be included.  Students must provide evidence of their service in the form of a letter/document outlining dates and hours and a description of duties performed signed by the adult manager or supervisor of the program or organization.  Letter MUST  include full contact information of the manager or supervisor.
    • demonstration of good attendance, punctuality, work habits and cooperation.
    Application Instructions:
    1) Type all the information in the left-hand column. Don't forget your cell number so I can contact you.

    2Type all the information at the top of the right-hand column. 

           e.g. Elective Area:                Applied Skills (from the list above)
                  Chosen Career Area:    Accountant
                  Post Secondary Inst.:   BCIT
                  Program:                        Business   

    3) Type four  grade 11 or 12 courses from your elective area ( Work Experience 12A 
    may be  included if it relates to your career path) e.g Financial Accounting 11, Financial Accounting 12, Business Computer Applications 11, Work  Experience  12

    4) TYPE nine more grade 11 or grade 12 courses. 
    Choose your TOP courses; the courses which you have the highest marks. 

    5) Get your transcript and TYPE your letter grades and percentages.

    6) DO NOT complete the GPA, AVERAGE %,  Other Courses, or provincially examinable courses section.
    7) EMAIL your application and transcript all in one file to maria.morabito@burnabyschools.ca   

    Successful candidates will receive vouchers in October or November 2020.


    In 2019, over $27,000 was awarded as part of the program. For over 15 years, BC Soccer along with its generous donors, has awarded scholarships to our Grade 12 soccer community.  As much as we enjoy seeing young people chase their scholastic ambitions, we hope that our high school graduates remain in the game, and become the next generation of coaches, referees, board members and of course, adult players.  Scholarship recipients and donors will be recognized by having their videos shared online.  
    DEADLINE: May 31st, 2020.



    The generosity of our site sponsors have allowed us to offer a scholarship to help the students who visit our site.The winner(s) of this scholarship will be notified by email and their name(s) will be shown on this site. This scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors currently registered in any post secondary institution.
    • There is no age restriction
    • Be sure to include your name and the school you are attending this year and next
    • This is not an academic scholarship but we would like to know where you are going to school now and what your future academic plans are.
    Application Procedure
    To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay of less than 1000 words on the topic below:
    Describe the three characteristics of leadership you value most.  Discuss why you believe that these traits are so important and how you feel that they are developed in an individual.
    Your submissions must be sent to us by email at awards@studentawardsearch.com

    DEADLINE: May 22, 2020


    We have over 300 scholarships available for women who are taking courses/workshops in collaboration with our project at BCIT, SFU, UBC, and Northeastern University. The Athena Pathways project will help more Canadian women see the potential of the tech sector helping support Canadian tech companies fill job vacancies and, in turn, become more competitive while addressing the gender gap.

    Thursday, April 16, 2020


    The Lisa Huus Memorial Fund provides bursaries up to $5,000 annually per recipient, to assist persons with disabilities to undertake or continue their post-secondary education at an accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs.

    The bursary was established in 1988 by the family of Lisa Pauline Huus, a sociology student at the University of Victoria. "Lisa fought for her rights to go to university and be treated just like any other student," says her mother Annie Huus. "We established this fund so that students with physical challenges like Lisa can access much needed financial support to pursue their educational dreams."

    Additionally, you can email bursaries@islandkidsfirst.com or call 250-940-4950 for more information about this opportunity.

    DEADLINE: As a result of these unprecedented times, we have decided to extend the deadline for applications to June 30, 2020, however the committee will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis beginning with a first review period for all applications submitted by May 31, 2020.


    Two awards of $500 each to students of Aboriginal ancestry who apply for the scholarship and meet the following criteria:
    • are of Aboriginal ancestry
    • embodies the goals of the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement
      • Demonstrates a sense of identity and culture
      • Demonstrates ongoing involvement within the school and greater community
      • Strong academic standing
    • be enrolled in a post-secondary institution (full time)
    • demonstrate financial need

    DEADLINE: MAY 8th to Judy.Poato@burnabyschools.ca


    Since it was incorporated in 1892, Burnaby has produced many fine athletes. The Burnaby Sports Hall of Fame was formed in 2001 to honour Burnaby’s past athletic excellence. The Hall also encourages future excellence in athletics, academics and sportsmanship by offering $1,000 scholarships to a male athlete and a female athlete from Burnaby.

    Completed applications should be mailed to: 

    Burnaby Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services 
    Office Suite 101, 4946 Canada Way 
    Burnaby, B.C. 
    V5G 4H7 


    Monday, April 6, 2020


    Fewer students are applying for scholarships these days! Gain the competitive edge by not missing out on applying for as many scholarships as you can! Check out:

    1) Go to 99scholarships.ca, studentawards.com or Scholartree.ca. They offer free scholarship matching and have a database of  over 30,000 scholarships.

    2) Check post secondary school's financial aid/scholarships website links. 

    3) Go to www.bced.gov.bc.ca/awards/ the Province of BC offers scholarships.

    4) Check out BCSSS.blogspot.com Burnaby Central's Scholarship Blog weekly for scholarship and bursary opportunities.

    5) The 6 most common mistakes when applying for scholarships:



    Wednesday, April 1, 2020


    The Charlene Reaveley Children's Charity  would like to offer a $1000 bursary to graduating students who have lost a parent and/or sibling. To qualify for a $1000 CRCCS bursary, the student will be required to meet the following criteria:

            *       Grade 12 graduating student
            *       Loss of a parent and/or a sibling
            *       Enrolled in a certified post secondary program within the same year of graduating
            *       Involved in the community/volunteer work
            *       a BC Resident

    To apply for a bursary, the student must email to jennifer@crccs.ca the following information: 

            *       Complete mailing address, contact information and full name of the applicant
            *       Complete mailing address, contact information and the name of secondary school
            *       A minimum 500 word essay on how they fit the criteria
    You can also visit our website at www.crccs.ca/bursary-program/ <https://crccs.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fab598fe23c5b452669bd9985&id=bcad34599d&e=6f55d51446>  for criteria and more details about the bursary opportunity.